Breasts naturally come in all shapes and sizes, from round or elongated in shape to small or large in size. While the shapes differ based on genetics and size can change with weight gain/loss and hormonal changes, there are certain conditions that can impact the formation of the breast. Constricted breasts, or a tubular deformity, can impact the size, symmetry and shape. Dr. Aleksandr Shteynberg at Vantage Plastic Surgery offers advanced options in tubular breast deformity surgery at our clinics in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
What Are Constricted or Tuberous Breasts?
Tuberous breasts are a fairly common condition and do not pose a health risk for the individual, but there are often aesthetic concerns. During the formation of the breasts, the bottom of the breast may be constricted, resulting in the breasts growing in an elongated, tubular manner versus rounder and fuller. The nipples and areolas may also be puffier and larger, and many women experience asymmetrical breasts that are uneven in size or shape.
Correcting Tubular Breast Deformity
There are several different options for women who want to change the appearance of their constricted or tuberous breasts. Dr. Shteynberg is a top cosmetic breast surgeon who can perform a wide variety of breast revisions to create the desired appearance. During your consultation, he will listen to your concerns and the desired outcome of your breast surgery procedure. After examining your breasts, Dr. Shteynberg will discuss the possible transformation options available. This can include nipple or areola reduction surgery, breast revision or reshaping, or breast augmentation with implants or fat transfer. Some patients may have a combination of procedures to create the breast shape and size they desire.
You deserve to feel confident in your appearance. If you have constricted breasts and want to change their shape, size or overall appearance, come see us at Vantage Plastic Surgery. We offer tubular breast deformity surgery at our clinics in New York City. Contact us today to book your appointment with Dr. Shteynberg to learn more about your options for reshaping your tubular breasts.